Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ring.. Ding.. Dong...

yeehaa.. ring.. ding.. dong... ding..ding... dong... hmmm... what a song to make you move and dance with the music...

Itu barulah intro...

hahaha... Well it's 11.30 pm...
At home for 1 week holiday... (Yay for me!) Learning a new song with my rusty guitar skill. :P...Grenng...gronnggg..grengg.. gronng... Then suddenly the phone rang. My dad asked me to get the phone. "Maybe it's mum" he said. Well I also taught maybe my mum called but i wondered why she called the house phone rather than my dad's phone.

I ran to the phone...
me: HEllo...
Caller: Hello... Saya udin dari kepayan.
Me: Owh ok.... Ya kenapa..
Caller: Saya mo minta nasihat dari kakak ba ni...
ME: Haah?
Caller: Saya mo minta nasihat.. Saya mo tanya kawan saya tapi saya malu... Jadi saya mo minta nasihat dari kakak la....
Me: HAAAAAHHHH?! Kenapa Pula??
Caller: Pasal girlfren saya ba ni... Dia suka pakai bareback pigi disco.. ok ka tu.. saya tia tau mo buat apa ni...
Me: HaaH!!!?? Apaa..??? Aiii...
Caller: Girlfren saya ba.... bla.. bla... bla.... (repeat the same thing he said earlier)
Me: oh.. .. (sambil meletakkan gagang telefon... huahahahhahaha)

After i slammed the phone down, my dad asked who called.. So I said i don't know just some random guy asking for random advice from a random people that he called from a random phone number he choose... (That's what i called baka'ness level tahap dewa)

A few minutes later, the phone rang again.. this time i asked my dad to answer.. then again the same guy called and said to my dad... "Bang, saya mo minta nasihat dari abang ba ni.. blaa...blaa.. bla..." My dad just smile and put the reciever back..

The moral of the story... "If you want advice call a private caunselor"(My dad,2010)


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