Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Biggie-B Tales

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Hey y’all Biggie-B is in da’ house....Put your hands up... Put your hands up... How’s that as an intro? Hahaha.. Awkward!!! but I am still me but with a little twist “kunun”. I am so living a routine life so to make it more interesting I decided to write a tale about a princess who lives in a faraway land. Nah.. i lie. It’s just something that i would like to share with you guys out there. Well just ignore the part where i talk to myself. I always do that. Anyway i’m just trying to spice up my life. Everything need to start from something right?

There’s an average looking girl living in the awesome place called Tamparuli. Haha masuk bakul angkat sendiri... you now what i mean... Let’s just skip that. Biggie-B is sort of a nickname for given by a friend of mine back in my high school days. Why biggie-B? Can you figure it out? It’s because of my figure alright. For those who know me they’ll sure know that my biggest asset is my asset which is very prominent and outstanding. Hahahaha. Biggie-B means BIG BOOBS. Hehehe...

As a Biggie-B, there’s a lot of things that I have to endure. All kind of great and not so great experience that I encounter makes me who I am right now. It is part of me that I have to live and deal with. There’s a lot of issues that sometimes makes me sad, embarrass, proud and happy. That’s what I wanted to share with all of you. Forgive me for being very outspoken about these boobs thingy. Because for some people this kind of things is taboo for them but still we can’t ignore the fact that these things exist right? That’s all folks. See you at chapter 2 of the Biggie-B tales. ^_^

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Game Over

Right after I posted the entry about how i move on after all that i been through. Suddenly he-who-once-shall-not-be-name came back out of nowhere and decide to play with my heart and emotions again. Saying all that stuff on how he miss me, how he love me, how he miss our happy time together. It's making me weak and weaker by each words. I do remember all those memories; sweet and bitter. But that's all only words and it is not shown by his action which is he is still living with another girl. Trying to win my heart back but in the same time still want to be with someone else. WHAT???!!

Well, enough is enough. I can't go through all those pain anymore it's getting worser every second since the last 3 years he started to play this game. He change a lot. Yes he did. I loved him but not anymore. The pain he causes me is unbearable. I can't play in the game anymore. Game Over. No more players.
- NO THANKS.....-

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just when I...

Just when I decide to move on...
Just when I decide to open my heart again...
Just when I'm about to make a comeback into the world...
Just when I'm about to put myself out there again...

Just when the wound finally healed...
You came back running to me like an idiot.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Move On.

And the ring.... Is off.....

See the ring itself left a mark on my finger. Same goes to my life. It takes a lot of time for me to recover and move on. I have to do it slow and steady in order to keep my sanity. It's hard. It's just don't happen with a blink of an eye. And today, it just so happen is the 10th years... with tears welling up in my eyes now. I try to be strong and stay strong.

Thanks to my family and friends for helping me getting through all this. All their support and prayers to helps me a lot. I think without them, I can't survive a single day after the big thingy happen. They understand and they love me more than I love myself. For me it is true that love makes us blind, they see me suffering which i realize but never bother because of love. (kunun) Their love to me overflowed and I truly feels it throughout this 4 and a half months. I never realize that i have these wonderful people around me for the past few years. I always ignore them and I know all of this things happen for a reason. God works in a miracle way which we don't know and sometimes don't even understand. So people out there please... appreciate people around you more. Especially your family and friends who are close to you. I'm truly blessed for having sisters who always there for me when i cried at night and needed a hug. I am blessed with friends who will say "No matter what happen, you will still have us." A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Since its the Lent season and Easter is coming in 2 weeks time. It's time for me to forgive and forget. Which I'm trying to do since Christmas. Now, I can say it happily that I don't hate them anymore. I just hope they are happy and they can forgive me too.

And I am happy to say this "I move on"....